artist image of man ignoring angel telling him it is time to go

Art copyrighted and used courtesy of Artist Alex Pokos



The picture above by artist Alex is accurate. This is the state of many people today. TOO BUSY to be bothered by the possible trumpet call. I believe not many are going to hear it with all the NOISE in the daily ritual.



Purpose for a Study of End Times


Having spent decades sitting under dozens of pastors, teachers and theologians there is one statement that fits them all.  Man is either too afraid to tackle this area of the Bible or too much of an “expert” to see the errors that he is promoting. This area of scripture is the SIMPLIST subject of the entire Word of God. Somehow it has become the most avoided subject in the world.


Opening the Bible and reading about a man being crucified does not bring an understanding of why he did it willingly.  The starting point must be reading and finding out WHO that man was and WHY he had to die.  Reading about the Garden and the Passover shapes the mind to understand a baby being born and then the steps that child as a man takes walking to Golgotha.


In like manner, reading the Book of Revelation without the foundation of the rest of the story taking place in scripture makes understanding fruitless.  That is the reason for the misconception that no one can understand what is said about the end!


The purpose of this page is to offer only an overview into what the Bible states regarding events yet to occur.



Principles to understanding the Bible



Requirements for Understanding Bible Prophecy




Where to begin the study of Bible Prophecy



If reading a book, do you read the last chapter to cram for the exam? Reading Revelation before anything else is cramming for that exam.  There is no understanding. Nothing but confusion regarding the ending pages can occur. The prophets, disciples and Jesus Himself LAID THE FOUNDATION for the Revelation that John would receive on Patmos. John’s vision completes and compliments Daniel’s vision word for word.


The Bible is intended to show man the Plan of God.  So why not see what he says regarding the “Plan” for the “End”? God the Son has been a part of that plan from Genesis to Revelation.  If that is not understood, it is difficult to accept how that information is given to us.


Jesus Christ the Son of God was here and answered the question of what was going to happen in the End Times.  What better place to start on the subject than with the EXPERT – the SON OF GOD!



Study called: “God the Son from Genesis to Revelation”.



Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”



Daniel 12:4 says “…even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”


Amos 8:12 “…they shall run to and fro to seek the Word of the Lord, and shall not find it.”



We are close to the events of the END TIMES


The timing and sequence of all events documented throughout these pages are the insight of man taken directly from the Word of God.  GOD IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY IN ALL TIMING AND ORDER OF THINGS!


Isaiah 29:18 “And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.”



Better start reading to decide for yourself







symbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on pagesymbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on page




Basic Study Method


Sequence of study should be as follows:




GOSPEL of MATTHEW chapters 24-25


Jesus speaking about the End of Time.



Book of DANIEL


Jesus referred to it. It sets the foundation of understanding.



Epistles to the THESSALONIANS


Apostle Paul wrote on the subject in both letters



The RAPTURE event











Should NEVER be studied without the foundations above.



The PROPHETS of Old Testament


Prophecies concerning the End of Time were made hundreds of years

prior to the Birth of Christ. What information did they provide?




symbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on pagesymbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on page




Advanced Study Method


Study each of the specific events that take place in the END TIMES.




The Rapture


Will occur at any time!



Rise of World Leader


He will become Anti-christ.



The Tribulation


Seven year time period.



First Resurrection Concludes



Second Coming of Jesus Christ



Cleansing Earth of Sin



Millennium Kingdom of God on Earth



Restoration of the Jews





Satan released from pit.



Second Resurrection


For Judgment.



White Throne Judgment



New Heaven and New Earth.




symbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on pagesymbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on page




External Websites and Documents related to End Times.


These links will redirect away from this website.



Copyright and Duplication Notification:


With exception of the quoted Scripture verses from the King James Bible, all items located

on this website are either created by WD Kemner (unless indicated otherwise)

and free for your use or are in the public domain and free to use.


Documents created by other authors are referenced to by external hyperlinks.

Those items are protected by the copyrights which govern those websites and

permission to use materials from those sites must be obtained from those authors.




An excellent resource site to aid in the study can be found at:


The Christian Resource Center of New Hampshire.




Please support them by visiting them directly. Examples of their work which relates to this topic include:


Future-Prophesy-Timeline.pdf   and also   The-Rapture.pdf






Website Design and Layout is Copyrighted by WD Kemner @ 2025 for BiblesWordFinal