This Book is called just “Revelation”. It has the proper title of “The Revelation of John”.
Revelation = “apôkalupsis” – meaning disclosure, be revealed; the root word means to take off the cover.
Priority before a study of Revelation of John
These links ate to items that must be understood and reviewed BEFORE any study of Revelation can be started:
Prerequisites for a study of Revelation
Chapter 1 is an Introduction by the Apostle John. He lays out his credentials and background before he shares what God commissioned him to do, which he tells us in chapter 1:19:
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter”
The Book of Revelation is laid out in that format:
“the things which thou hast seen”
Chapter 1: His Vision of Christ
“and the things which are”
Chapter 2-3: Letters to the seven churches
“the things which shall be hereafter”
The Rapture of the Saints has taken place.
Chapter 4 Glorious view before the throne of God!
Chapter 5 Opening of the Book with Seven Seals
Daniels Seventieth Week begins
Chapter 6 The First Six of the Seven Seals
Chapter 8 The Seventh Seal with Trumpets
Chapter 9 Trumpet 5 and the First Woe
Chapter 10 Trumpet 6 and the Thunders
Chapter 11 Two Witnesses and Trumpet Seven
Chapter 12 Dragon and Sun Clothed Woman
Chapter 13 Two Beasts: Antichrist and False Prophet
Chapter 14 Angelic Declarations
Chapter 17-18 Babylon the Great
Chapter 19 Marriage Supper and War with God
One Thousand Years of Peace follows 70th week
Chapter 20 Millennial Reign of Christ
Eternity with the Creator of it all
Chapter 21 New Heaven and New Earth
Chapter 22 Tree of Life in Eternity
Throughout the Book of Revelation the Apostle John is a witness to items referred to as: Seals, Trumpets, Woes, Thunders and Vials. This can be confusing when studing to remember location chronologically. This chart will be of aid in that area.
Chart Outlining the sequence of the Seals,
Trumpets, Woes, Thunders and Vials.
Seven Seals – consists of:
First 6 of 7 seals are given in Chapter 6
Seal 1 – White Horse: conquering diplomatically
Seal 2 – Red Horse: political upheaval, no peace, people killing people
Seal 3 – Black Horse: cost of “bread”, famine
Seal 4 – Pale Horse: ¼ population killed by beasts, swords, hunger
Seal 5 – Martyrdom for Faith: death for Word of God receive white robes
Seal 6 – Earthquake, stars fall, sun black, physical world gone berserk
Seal 7 – Consists of 7 Trumpets (Chapters 8-11)
Trumpet 1 – hail and fire mixed with blood
Trumpet 2 – mountain burning with fire
Trumpet 3 – star falls from Heaven
Trumpet 4 – darkness
Trumpet 5 FIRST WOE (9:1-12): star falls, bottomless pit opened
Trumpet 6 SECOND WOE (9:13-21): 4 angels kill 1/3 of men
7 Thunders uttered - described in Chap 10
Two Witnesses appear (11:3): testify for 1260 days, killed and resurrected 3.5 days later. Earthquake and 7000 die. Then WOE 2 ends.
Trumpet 7 THIRD WOE (11:15-19): WRATH OF GOD
Temple of God opens in Heaven (11:15)
Seven Vials / Bowls / Plaques (Chapters 15-16)
First 4 on Men – last 3 on kingdom of Anti-christ
Vial 1 – Sores on wearers of mark required by Beast
Vial 2 – Sea turned to Blood
Vial 3 – Rivers and Water Sources turned to Blood
Vial 4 – Sun given power to scorch the Earth
Vial 5 – Seat of Beast attacked darkness, pain, sores
Vial 6 – Euphrates River dried up for Kings of East
Vial 7 – It is Done!
External Websites and Documents
related to Book of Revelation.
These links will redirect away from this website.
Copyright and Duplication Notification:
With exception of the quoted Scripture verses from the King James Bible, all items located
on this website are either created by WD Kemner (unless indicated otherwise)
and free for your use or are in the public domain and free to use.
Documents created by other authors are referenced to by external hyperlinks.
Those items are protected by the copyrights which govern those websites and
permission to use materials from those sites must be obtained from those authors.
An excellent resource site to aid in the study can be found at:
The Christian Resource Center of New Hampshire.
Please support them by visiting them directly.
Examples of their work which relates to this topic include:
Future Prophesy Timeline.pdf
Seven Churches of Revelation.pdf
Book of Revelation Chart by Clarence Larkin published 1919 (public domain)
“The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop written 1853
Located at
“Lectures on the Book of Revelation” by H.A. Ironside (1919)
Located at Baptist Bible
“The Book of Revelation” – Clarence Larkin (1919)
Located at Open
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