



There are subjects that must be mastered before doing a study of Revelation. The Book of Daniel IS the Prerequisite study for Revelation.


It can be stated that John’s vision is the sequel to the vision of Daniel.


Daniel chapter 9 contains the vision Daniel had about 606-536 BC regarding a time period of 70 Weeks.  Daniel 9:24 sets the reason for the 70 weeks.



Seventy Weeks were determined upon Israel and Jerusalem to do the following things:


·       To finish the transgression

·       To make an end of sins

·       To make reconciliation for iniquity

·       To bring in everlasting righteousness

·       To seal up the vision and prophecy

·       To anoint the most Holy



Those 70 weeks related to Israel and prophetic events that would center on God’s dealing with them.

The first 69 weeks have come and gone in the history of the Jews,


but the 70th week has yet to take place.


This 70th week is a period of seven years referred to as the “Tribulation”.




It is vital in trying to understand the Book, to KEEP IT IN PERSPECTIVE TO ISRAEL!


It is this week (70th week of Daniel 9:27) that the disciple John has his revelation concerning. Then discusses it in detail beginning after chapter six of his book.


As will be learned in chapter 1, John has this vision while being held captive on the Isle of Patmos. This was probably around the year of 96 AD.  That means there were 700 years between Daniel’s vision and this one of John.


Establishing the date for when these prophetic events occur is not the point of the Book of Revelation.  Instead, like all the prophets of the Old Testament; the Book is to warn of the conditions that will be in place when these events occur. It is also to establish for fact that the events WILL OCCUR and what WILL happen during these events.


As a follower of Jesus Christ the believers in the churches of John’s day who the letter was address to, were aware of the teachings of Jesus regarding the end.  John uses his letter to tell them what the Revelation from heaven was.  His revelation would further elaborate on what was shared by Daniel.