Notes on the Judgments

Compiled by WD Kemner January 2025




With any conversation regarding “resurrection” there must be discussion on “judgment”. The purpose of resurrections is ultimately for judgment.



Separation of the Good from the Evil



There are passages in scripture that talk about specific judgments that will occur.  Judgment will ultimately result in the separation of those that are evil from those that are good. The Good and the Bad to stand before God for separate distinct judgment after death.



Matthew 13:24-43


The Good Seed Parable told by Jesus regarding separating Good and Evil for Judgment



Matthew 25:31-46


Jesus illustrates the separation of the Good and the Evil with the separation of Sheep and Goats like a shepherd.



John 5:28-29; Daniel 12:2


Those that have done good will be resurrected for life eternal.  While those that have done evil will be resurrected for eternal damnation.






Will be held in Valley of Jehoshaphat  Joel 3:1-8



Judgment of ALL nations of the world for their treatment of God’s children Israel.


Jeremiah 12:14-17


The Jews were warned repeatedly to come back to God by Prophets. They continued further from God with practicing the worship of idols. They would go into captivity for punishment.  Prior to that happening God WARNED the nations that He would return and they would be held in judgment for how they treated the Jews that would be coming into captivity.  PRIOR WARNING in Advance!



Zechariah 1:18-21 Those responsible for scattering Judah will be judged.



Judgment Seat of Christ



This is held for the believers.  2 Corinthians 5:10;  Matthew 16:27



Romans 14:10-12


Everyone will stand before the judgment seat, then bow and confess Him, then give an account.


(Therefore, this does not include the evil, the evil have already declared their stand against God)




Includes judgment and rewards for all the “works” done.


Luke 14:14 – rewarded at the resurrection


Romans 2:16 – Every secret judged by God through Jesus


1 Corinthians 3:11-15Revelation 22:12 - Believers works will be judged


Colossians 3:24 – receive reward of inheritance




Great White Throne Judgment



This is the Judgment of the evil dead for all sins, held in Heaven in front of God.

Occurs after the Millennial Kingdom ends.  Results will be all in this judgment going to Hell.


Revelation 20:5-15Daniel 7:10; 12:2