ANTI-christ “of the Last Days”


Compiled by WD Kemner January 2025




There is NO individual in scripture that is called by the name “Anti-christ”.  Apostle John uses the term in his books of 1John and 2John to denote those that “deny that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh”.  Based off of that definition there have been thousands of “anti-christ” on the planet over the centuries. Satan has ALWAYS had a man in place in preparation and would so today as well.


The term is not used in Revelation.  However, it has become a term “adopted” to refer to the “man” that Satan will use as his “mockery of Jesus Christ”.  He is opposed and opposite to EVERYTHING that represents Jesus; thus he is “Anti” Christ and the name fits very well.


He is referred to in Revelation as the “Beast”.  This can be confusing to those who do not pay careful attention to what is read.  There are also two distinct characters referred to with the term “beast” in Revelation Chapter 13.





Little Horn and Mighty King          used by Daniel

Extortioner and The Assyrian       used by Isaiah

The Assyrian                                used by Micah

Man of Lawlessness                     used by Paul



This man will begin as a man of peace, influencer, problem solver, and very charismatic.  This man can be on the world stage at any time; even at the present moment.  The title of Anti-christ being assigned to him once he begins to meet all the below criteria from scripture and eventually calls himself the Christ.




The Origins of the Anti-christ



This is the FIRST and most often ignored criteria when men are believed to be the Anti-christ.  If the man DOES NOT meet this fact then NOTHING else matters.



Alexander the Great’s old Grecian Empire was divided into four regions. Anti-christ will come from one of those four regions.

Daniel 8:9



He is further restricted to being out of the Northern Division of those four kingdoms.

He is not a man of the past. Meaning that he gives no thought to his heritage or where he comes from.

Daniel 11:36-39



Map depicting the world map as it was divided upon the death of Alexander the Great.



Map displays Empire of Alexander the Great Empire divided after his death.


Based on the accuracy of any modern map interpretation.  The man’s origination is restricted to the geographical once defined as “THRACE”.




Rise to Power of Anti-christ




Anti-christ rise to “power” can occur anytime. He can already be in a position of authority.

It is commonly taught this means political power.  This is incorrect.


The world experienced an international issue in 2020 with the outbreak of COVID-19.

An issue of that type of magnitude can bring any man into prominence.  The ONLY criteria, this man is ALREADY on the world stage BEFORE any of the events of the END TIMES occurs.



He will come out of the sea of people. Revelation 13:1-2

He is human and comes “out of” the mass of humanity.


Will be worshipped.  Revelation 13:4


He will be a man of diplomacy and will conquer the world diplomatically.

Revelation 6:1-2  refers to The White Horse of Seal #1.

A man who conquers with a bow (with no arrow) and a crown.



Political step-ladder and the rise of the man to power.  Daniel 2:41-45;   Daniel 7:7-8; 24-25;   Revelation 17



Political clout to change world standards and be idolized.  Daniel 7:25-8:9

Control a vast majority of the world but never all of it.  Daniel 7:23

He will do as he wills.  Daniel 11:36-39




Beliefs and Events to occur




Anti-God and Anti-Israel.  Daniel 7:25; 8:23-25; 11:36-39, Revelation 13:6-10


Will not care about the people of the land of Israel.   Zechariah 11:15-17



Liar and Deceiver.  Makes promises for personal gain but not man of his word.

Anything promised can be broken.  Will make a seven-year covenant with Israel.

Daniel 9:27



Will desecrate the Jewish Temple at 3.5 years into Tribulation breaking his own covenant.

Daniel 8:10-12; 9:27



Will setup a palace in Jerusalem.  Daniel 11:45, Micah 5



At a point will be totally controlled by Satan.  Revelation 13:4-5; Daniel 8:24-25



Will make war against the followers of God and will prevail until intervention of God.

Daniel 7:21-22; Micah 5



Will imitate the death and resurrection of Christ with his own death and resurrection.

Revelation 13:3








We have been given the impression (due to lack of knowledge) for decades that the Battle at Armageddon “wipes out all evil including Satan and the Anti-christ”. This comes due to reliance upon ONLY the Revelation passage that “sums up that total day”.  This is simply not true.  The battle of Megiddo will see billions dead but not the man who believes he is a god.



The Book of Isaiah promises the Anti-christ’s yoke will be removed.  Then proceeds to describes the military moves the Anti-christ will make as he flees after his power is driven from Jerusalem.  Isaiah 10:24-34



Joel 2:20  (Northern Army=Anti-christ - see Daniel 11:40-41)


“But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.”



Isaiah 14:24-26


“The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand: That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.”



Isaiah 14:16  He will not be honored in death.

“They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;”




The anger of God and a Marching to Victory song are part of the description in  Isaiah 30-31

The passage then describes the capture of the Anti-christ and the use of the Tophet in the death of his earthly body in both chapters.

See the Word Study Guide on Tophet.  Daniel also states that the man “beast” will be destroyed by fire. Daniel 7:11.




The Anti-christ will get to spend eternity with his master in the Lake of Fire. Revelation 19:20-21

This is ONLY the Anti-christ, not Satan.  Satan who had been indwelling the human male will see his own judgment.


The kingdoms of the Anti-christ are promised to be given to the saints.   Daniel 7:26-27