

Written in Palestine about 557-525 B.C

One of 3 prophets after return from Babylonian captivity.  The prophets Haggai and Malachi being the others.


Zechariah saw events that would happen to Israel. None of which are recounted by the author in the chronological order in which they will take place.  The sequence of these is discussed in random order, probably written as the prophet received them. Zechariah has visions that relate to Israel all the way through and into the Millennial Kingdom.


He is given instructions for acknowledging and encouraging the newly appointed High Priest of his day. The Jews having recently come back to the land after seventy years of captivity in Babylon.  The books of Ezra and Nehemiah relate the difficulties the people were having and there was a state of discouragement that needed dealt with.  God uses Zechariah to encourage the newly appointed priesthood.


In doing this, God also reveals information on the coming High Priest Jesus Christ.  The Promised Messiah is foretold in chapters 3:8 and 6:12.


The Prophet was a man given history that would occur in the future.  He wrote what he was given and did not have the luxury that man has today to be able to look backward to see it fulfilled.



There are multiple visions and prophecies in Zechariah related to the Last Days. For further information on the events of this period see the Study on END TIMES.


End Time Topics in the book of Zechariah and Chapters in which they appear:


Anti-christ – 10; 11; 14

Two Witnesses during Tribulation – 4

Second Coming of Christ – 2; 3; 6; 8-10; 14

Jerusalem after the Second Coming – Chapter 8, 10, 12

All Nations to become One under God – 2

Millennial City – 2; 8; 14


Zechariah has conversations with individuals he refers to as “lord”. See the word study on the term "Lord". It will help in understanding to whom he is talking.




Chapter Overviews



Chapter 1 Overview


Promise of rebuilt Temple; Judgment for captivity of Jews



Chapter 2 Overview


Millennium Kingdom; Life AFTER the Second Coming



Chapter 3 Overview


Anointing new High Priest and future coming High Priest



Chapter 4 Overview


Vision of Candlestick and Olive Trees (The Two Witnesses)



Chapter 5 Overview


Vision of Flying Roll



Chapter 6 Overview


High Priest after captivity; Foretelling of Messiah



Chapter 7 Overview


Admonishing the new priests after captivity



Chapter 8 Overview


Jerusalem AFTER the Second Coming



Chapter 9 Overview


Judgment on Nations; Second Coming of Christ



Chapter 10 Overview


Jews becoming Warriors for God



Chapter 11 Overview


New Covenant; Christ betrayal; Rise of Anti-christ



Chapter 12 Overview


All Focus on Jerusalem



Chapter 13 Overview


Jewish Converts at Tribulation; Crucifixion foretold



Chapter 14 Overview


The Second Coming; New Jerusalem of Millennial Kingdom




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