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The Introduction to the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel has been produced as a separate document.  Click on the link that follows to view it and then return to this page.




Introduction to the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel




Chapter Overviews




SECTION I – Call of the Prophet, Captivity and Sins


The first twenty-four chapters deal with the call of Ezekiel

and his commissioning to be God’s voice.

Begins at time of second captivity continues through destruction of the temple.



Chapter 1-2   Four Creatures and Commission



Chapter 3-5   Illustrating the Word



Chapter 6-7   Destruction of Jerusalem



Chapter 8-11   God leaves the Temple



Chapter 12-14   Judgment on rulers and land



Chapter 15-16   The Vine and Jewish history



Chapter 17-19   Riddle, Parable and Lament



Chapter 20   Sins of the Fathers


This chapter has the first Last Days prophecy



Chapter 21-22   Judgment Comes



Chapter 23   The Wicked Chapter



Chapter 24   The Day the Temple is Destroyed




symbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on pagesymbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on page



SECTION II – Judgment on Nations


This section deals with prophecies of judgment upon other nations

 for the part they played in the rebellion of the Jews.



Chapter 25-27   Prophecy of other nations



Chapter 28   Tyrus and Satan



Chapter 29-32   Egypt




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SECTION III – Prophecies to take place in the Future.


Chapters 33-39  Israel in the End Times - Chapters 40-48  After Return of Christ.



Chapter 33   Watchman



Chapter 34   Glimpse at Millennial Kingdom



Chapter 35-36   Restoring Land and the Jews



Chapter 37   Valley of Dry Bones



Chapter 38-39   Gog and Magog



Chapter 40-42   Millennium City & Temple Measured



Chapter 43-44   Laws of Temple



Chapter 45-46   Sanctuary - Prince Inheritance



Chapter 47-48   Temple Waters




symbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on pagesymbols of fish being used to create a division line between areas on page



External Websites and Documents related to Ezekiel.


These links may redirect away from this website.



Copyright and Duplication Notification:


With exception of the quoted Scripture verses from the King James Bible, all items located

on this website are either created by WD Kemner (unless indicated otherwise)

and free for your use or are in the public domain and free to use.


Documents created by other authors are referenced to by external hyperlinks.

Those items are protected by the copyrights which govern those websites and

permission to use materials from those sites must be obtained from those authors.








“The 16 Grandsons of Noah” by Harold Hunt located at







Website Design and Layout is Copyrighted by WD Kemner @ 2025 for BiblesWordFinal