Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the







Author: Apostle Paul


Originally was named Saul.  He persecuted the believers until he himself became one. His conversion is told in the Book of Acts.


A Pharisee educated at the highest levels in Jerusalem.  Born a Roman citizen.


Paul calls himself an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin – Romans 11:1


Refers to himself as Apostle/Minister of the Gentiles – Romans 11:13; 15:16


Paul was a Scholar.  Always referencing and quoting Old Testament within his writing. References to David, Isaiah and Abraham.  These statements being attributed to the legends of Jewish history cannot be argued with. Paul would account for fourteen of the Bible books being one of the most prolific writers to address the believers.


In his writings, Paul establishes the principles and beliefs that believers were to govern their lives with.  The mistake is that denominations have developed over centuries creating around their own interpretations of Paul’s writings.  Paul addressed that practice as wrong from the very first chapter in Corinthians.



History of the book:


Paul wrote two letters to the Corinthians.  In this study they are combined.


First Corinthians written 59 A.D. near the end of Paul’s stay in Ephesus (Acts 20:31; 1 Corinthians 16:5-8)

Timothy was sent by Paul with at least a portion of the letter.  (1 Corinthians 4:17)


Second Corinthians written about 60 A.D. from Philippi after events of Acts19:23-20:3  (referred to in 2 Corinthians 1:8-11)



Chapter Guides for First Corinthians




Chapter 1 – Divisions within the Body of Christ


Chapter 2 – Revelation by the Holy Spirit


Chapter 3 – Built upon a Foundation


Chapter 4 – Humility in Ministry


Chapter 5 – Sin in the Body of Christ


Chapter 6 – Rules for the Body



Chapter 7 – Rules of Marriage


Chapter 8 – Stumbling Blocks


Chapter 9 – Ministerial Support


Chapter 10 – Serve God or Satan


Chapter 11 - Regarding Women


Chapter 12 – Gifts for the Body


Chapter 13 - Charity


Chapter 14 – Proper usage of Spiritual Gifts


Chapter 15 – Resurrection and Rapture


Chapter 16






Chapter Guides for Second Corinthians








Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13







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