The simplest title for a book. A book with only nine chapters. His focus was on the forth coming captivity of the Jewish people. The Book addresses the deep sin and how far away from God they now were.
Amos touches on a few events of the End Times. There are also many quotes not seen elsewhere in scripture that should be the subject on plaques and posters hanging on walls.
Amos provides a lot of information in the first verse about the time period in which he writes. He calls himself one of the “herdmen of Tekoa”. In Chapter 7:14 he tells the king that he was a “gatherer of sycomore fruit”. He was probably a simple man. Not being a priest as some of the prophets had been.
Written sometime after Jonah, Amos may have known Hosea. Hosea himself parallels the time of Isaiah and Micah.
Most commentaries date this book to around 689-687 BC.
Amos states that it was two years prior to an earthquake. The quake was apparently significant enough to the area, that most people recalled it. Zechariah also references the earthquake in Zechariah 14:5.
Comparing Amos to the Book of Isaiah
There are similar features between the two books.
Amos tells us that the kings of his day of writing were: King Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam of Israel. Isaiah also wrote during the time of King Uzziah and wrote in chapter 6 of that king’s death. Amos has a prophecy for King Jeroboam relative to the king’s death.
Both men write of judgments coming from God related to the countries in the area that had influence upon the Nations of Judah and Israel.
Chapter Overviews
Chapter 1 and 2 - Judgments on Nations
Chapter 3 – Captivity coming for Sin
Chapter 4 – Looking at Captivity
Chapter 5 – Lamentation for the People
Chapter 6 – Captivity
Chapter 7 – Visions and Prayers of Amos
Chapter 8 – Basket of Fruit
Chapter 9 – Nation of Old and of Future
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